Mixed Integer Programming Society

A section of the Mathematical Optimization Society


The Mixed Integer Programming Society (MIPS) is a section of the Mathematical Optimization Society (MOS) that promotes continuity of the MIP community and events within it. In particular, it supports the organization of the annual MIP workshops and assists in the dissemination of online seminars such as Discrete Optimization Talks.

What is MIP?

Mixed integer programming (MIP) is a research discipline that deals with mathematical optimization problems with (finitely many) continuous or discrete decision variables. While continuous variables can take on any real value within their specified bounds, discrete variables can only take on integer values. This combination of continuous and discrete variables provides a very powerful framework that can be used to model and solve a variety of real-world problems.

MIP Workshops

The Mixed Integer Programming Workshop is an annual single-track workshop highlighting the latest trends in mixed-integer programming and discrete optimization, with speakers chosen by invitation, and poster presentations open to students and postdoctoral researchers. It brings together researchers, students, and industry actors from around the globe, fostering collaboration and providing a showcase for students, early career academics, and developments in industry and novel applications.

The MIP 2025 edition of the workshop will take place at the University of Minnesota on June 3 - 6, and will host a computational competition.

Moreover, the inaugural MIP International Workshop is being organised at IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India on December 2 - 6, 2024.

(show previous editions)

Discrete Optimization Talks

We highly recommend the online seminar series Discrete Optimization Talks (DOTs), organized by Silvia Di Gregorio, Aleksandr Kazachkov, and Elias Khalil.


The firsts editions of our newsletter "MIP Insights" are available here:


MIPS acts in accordance with its bylaws.

Its governing board currently consists of Gonzalo Muñoz (chair), Akshay Gupte, Joseph Paat, and Stefan Weltge.

Former members of the governing board were Yuri Faenza, Carla Michini, and Yuan Zhou.


All participants to one of the last three MIP workshops are automatically enrolled as members of the society. Membership expires after three years from the last MIP participation. You can also request to be a member, or to be deleted from the list of current members, by writing to mail@mixedinteger.org.